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Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Morning Makeover!

 The Morning Makover

The difficult thing about mornings for most of us is simply just getting up! Instead of going out for a run, reading, reflecting, meditating or developing ourselves in some capacity, we are lured back to the warmth and coziness of our bed.   Yes, the soft mattress is ever so seductive but we really do throw away precious time which we can use to better ourselves. Most of us have a ‘Snooze’ relationship with our alarm clock, where we try and stay in the bed as long as we possibly could before we have to drag ourselves out of the bed to go to the job that we do not love and/or tackle the life that we don’t like etc etc.
As Tony Robbins says ‘You will get a lousy answer, if you ask yourself a lousy question”. Likewise a lousy start to your morning means a lousy day ahead. So really start living consciously now :-) Make it a point to wake up – clap your hands – and tell yourself that today is going to be a great day!  I know this may sound like some positive thinking mumbo jumbo, but what is detailed here is about conditioning your mind, body and soul so that the centre of gravity that you live in is around happiness and joy – not anxiety, fear, worry and all those other unproductive emotions.
We recognise that mornings can be really hectic for most of us whether it’s the need to get to work early, or to get your children ready but it is still important to have “your time” first thing in the morning to get ready for the day ahead.
The morning makeover suggestions here are game changing. These suggestions are simple but if implemented will set in motion the experiences throughout the day that will help you create an exceptional life, the life that you have  always dreamed of.  Here are the three parts of what we refer to as the ’Hour of Power’, a routine to nourish your body, mind and soul. If you do not have time to go through the whole exercise, start with one ritual by giving yourself 10-15 minutes each day and then build on it. Remember that the time for self renewal is absolutely necessary for each one us.

Soul – 15 Minutes
Spend the first few minutes of your day in gratitude. Think about all the things that you are grateful for in your life. It will get rid of the anxiety and fear from your life and prevent you from focussing on the things that are missing in your life.   Then spend time meditating and reflecting on the things that you want to achieve in your life. This will engage your subconscious mind to help achieve your goals and mission. This should not take you more than 10-15 minutes, so go ahead and give your soul the nourishment that it needs to help you live the life of your dreams.

Body – 30 Minutes
Your body gets dehydrated while sleeping, so start your morning with a glass of water with lemon and do some form of physical activity like running, strength training or get on the bike if thats your thing. Something like a light 30 minute run at a pace in which you can still talk will help get the oxygen flowing through your body without building too much lactic acid. Following this,  go and have your breakfast and ensure it’s something that’s highly nutritious – Go Green and take in as many vegetables as possible and limit the amount of acidic foods you take in i.e. Coffee, Tea.  Its all about starting the day with energy and vitality!

Mind – 15 Minutes
Now that you have looked after your body and soul it’s time to feed our mind with positive food. Read about great people, a subject of your interest or anything that will help you grow. There is always someone out there that knows more so read about them and kick start the day with inspiration!
Now the final step is to review your yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals that you have already planned – you’ve done them, right ;-)
Remember the ideas above are to help you give a great start to your day. You don’t have to be overwhelmed by making all the changes at once, start with a ritual that feels good to you and build on it.
Remember, this is all about having fun and feeling great! So enjoy each of these steps! Life is about the 1 percenters – small steps daily will lead to giant leaps in the long run! Remember every morning you have two choices, you either go back to sleep or wake up and chase your dreams. What are you going to choose?
Live intentionally

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